

Lake Texana State Park, April 24-25, 2010

Lake Texana State Park 在Houston西南约100英里处。露营的活动非常成功,除了老天爷赐给我们一个晴朗干爽的天气外,还有丰盛美味的食物,包括小龙虾,鲜肉混沌和特制三明治。图2-11的风景照为石晓梅所摄。图1,12-87为蔡依道摄。

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Generated by cnphoto v2.0 on Wed Nov 2 22:22:44 2016. Pictures on this web site are copyrighted by their original owners or HUSTAA and may not be redistributed without the written permission from their owners. This page was first created on 2010年4月28日. The page format was last modified on 2016-10-13.

2010年4月28日 初版