

Brackernridge Park and Campground, April 6-8, 2018

Brackernridge Park and Campground在Houston西南约100英里处,Lake Texana State Park的马路对面。这是我们校友会连着三年在这里吃小龙虾,倒不是这里如何好,是在是德州人春节太爱露营了,订不到合适的地方。今年意外遭遇寒潮,大家都穿冬衣吃小龙虾。图片除10, 56, 57, 65外为蔡依道所摄。

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Generated by cnphoto v2.0 on Mon Apr 9 22:53:21 2018. Pictures on this web site are copyrighted by their original owners or HUSTAA and may not be redistributed without the written permission from their owners. This page was first created on 2018年4月9日. The page format was last modified on 2016-10-13.

2018年4月9日 初版