Not impressed

An alumnus 发表于 2003/10/07 11:37 华中科技大学校友论坛 (

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What a strategist! Yes, there is a national interest for every country on the earth, but while it is relatively clear cut for the US in this regard based on its constitution, where is the common interest for the ordinary and exploited people in China and the corrutped and lying CCP government and officials? Give people a break, please, before you post this kind of trash in the name of Chinese national interest, as a self-named strategist! The Chinese people, me as one, first and foremost want a government of their own, and their own rights in birth. Without this issue being solved, any discussion on Taiwan is like to construct a castle in sand. What a pity, a wise-than-ever strategist even ignore the most important and obvious element in his/her reasoning, because of ignorance, or on purpose?


mainland and taiwan --- abc 2003/10/06 09:53 (42123 bytes)


Calm down! --- An huster 2003/10/14 00:13 (10 bytes)

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