
gdf 发表于 2005/10/07 08:35 华中科技大学校友论坛 (www.hust.org)

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HUST Delegation will visit Boston in Oct. 14, 2004 and plan to meet Alumni at 6:30-9:30pm on Oct. 15. HUST Boston Alumni Association will organize an Alumni Reunion Event as well as a dinner meeting with HUST Delegration. In the gold fall season, let us gather together to celebration the wonderful opportunity to meet all new and old friends, to refresh our memory of our beautiful moment in HUST, and to look forward to the hope and the brightness of the future !

华中科技大学代表团将于金秋十月(10.14-10.16)探访波士顿及校友。HUST 波士顿校友会将于十月十五日(星期六)晚6:30-9:30pm组织2004年HUST 波士顿校友聚会,以及与代表团全体成员的晚餐会。在母校校庆之际,让我们老友新朋与来自母校的亲人共聚一堂,庆祝这一年一度的盛会,共同回味过去的美好时光,展望未来的美好希望!

Here below is the detail schedule of the delegation's visit. The detailed arrangement of HUST Boston Alumni Reunion will be announcement very soon. 代表团访问日程安排如下,波士顿聚会详细内容将进一步通知。

Oct.14 Arrive Boston 到达波士顿

Oct.15 Visit Boston and Meet Alumni 访问

Oct.16 Leave Boston 离开波士顿

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