[houston] Annual Meeting Report and Happy Thanksgiving

houston 发表于 2005/11/22 12:24 华中科技大学校友论坛 (www.hust.org)

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Dear HUSTAA Member:

HUSTAA 2005 annual meeting was hold on Nov. 06 at Kitty Hollow Park, about 65 alumni and family members attended the meeting and enjoyed the dumpling, home-made dishes, fruit and desert. Dr. Dongfang WANG was elected as president and Dr. Yidao CAI was elected as president-elect. Attached please find the report about this meeting. The major HUSTAA-related events were also included in the report.

Photos of the annual meeting can be found at http://www.hust.org/houston/pictures/hustam2005.

Thank your all for your support during the past year. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions about HUSTAA, please feel free to contact Dr. WANG (dowang @ utmb . edu, Dr. CAI(yidao . cai @ uth . tmc . edu) or myself.

HUSTAA board sincerely wishes you and all your family members a safe and joyful thanksgiving holidays.

Yongjun Chen

on behalf of HUSTAA Board


大休士顿地区华中科技大学校友会于十一月六日星期日在Kitty Hollow Park公园举办了一年一度的年会和秋季野餐聚会,约有65名校友和家属参加。聚会上,校友们品尝了自己动手当场现做的水饺及理事们带来的家常小菜,水果拼盘,甜点等。中国驻休斯敦总领馆教育组领事武世兴先生前来祝贺并发表了讲话。

年会由蔡依道博士主持。 前会长陈勇军为大会作了2004-2005年度总结报告。陈勇军指出校友会在过去的一年中为加强大休士顿地区校友间的联系与互助及校友与母校间的联络做了不少工作,包括接待以副校长曹树钦先生为团长母校代表团,参与大休士顿地区中国校友联合会举办的圣诞晚会,在Huntsville State Park举办一年一度的春季野炊,及组织校友为Katrina 飓风受难者募捐等。财务长石晓梅女士总结了校友会的年度财务状况并指出到年会为止校友会帐上有余款$321.01。 秘书长蔡依道博士介绍了校友会网站建设及筹资的情况。汪东仿博士主持了新会员的自我介绍。汪东仿和蔡依道共同提出了组建校友会“美好家园”小组,为校友们的菜园/花园建设献计献策。张毅博士主持了理事会选举,杨家骅主持了餐后精彩的拔河节目。



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