2009年4月18-19春季野餐与露营 Lake Somerville看德州野花

houston 发表于 2009/04/10 18:46 华中科技大学校友论坛 : 休斯顿 (www.hust.org)

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最后一刻决定露营的还有位置,请与校友会联系:hustaa @ hust . org。参加19日的野餐人数不限,但最好先联系,活动免费。

After discussion in HUSTAA board meeting on last Saturday (Feb. 28th), we finalized the plan for our Spring Activities, including camping and picnic.

1. We select Lake Somerville State Park as our Camping and Picnic site.

2. The date for Camping is April 18th (Saturday).

3. The date for Picnic will be held between 11:00 am --- 3:00 pm in April 19th (Sunday).

There will be no any costs for alumni who come to our Picnic party, and the free food will be prepared by board members.

Please marker your calendar and let us know how many people from your family will attend our Spring Activity (Camping and/or Picnic), so that we can make camping sites reservation and picnic party arrangement. You can send email to me (jizhongc @ bcm . tmc . edu) or Xiaomei (xms368 @ yahoo . com). Thank you!

Lake Somerville State Park is a beautiful place, which located in Northwest of Houston. It takes about 90 minutes driving to get there. You can enjoy hiking, fishing, and boating in the park. The following is the website for Lake Somerville.


Hope you can join us this time! Thank you!

Jizhong Cheng, HUSTAA President

Xiaomei Shi, HUSTAA President-elect


2009 HUSTAA Camping summary --- houston 2009/04/24 19:31 (2414 bytes)

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